New School Year 2017/2018

School Closure

All schools will remain closed tomorrow, Tues 17th October. We will hopefully reopen Wednesday morning at 9:15am.

Due to red weather alert, the school will be CLOSED Monday 16th October. We will reopen Tuesday at 9:15am.


Dear Parent, following Department guidelines, the school may have to close tomorrow due to an expected status red warning for wind. Will keep you updated.


A warm welcome to our fourteen new junior infant pupils and their parents. The new juniors have taken to primary school like ducks to water. A warm welcome also to our three new teachers, Ms Sheary, Ms Griffin, and Ms Morrissey.

NUT ALLERGY A letter has gone out to all parents reminding them that there is a child in our school with a severe nut allergy. Please be very conscious of this when making your daughter’s lunch. Please check all ingredients carefully before sending in any food with your daughter. The onus is on all of us to keep our school safe for all pupils. Thank you very much for your co-operation. Nut allergy letter to parents KCPS- June 2017

Camogie Training All pupils will receive camogie training from David Carroll over the next few weeks. Junior infants – 2nd class will train in school on 22nd Sept, 6th Oct, 20th Oct, and 10th Nov. 3rd-6th class will train at Smith O’Brien’s field on 29th Sept, 13th Oct and 27th Oct.Please ensure your child has a change of clothes as training will take place whatever the weather! Please also ensure your daughter has her hurley and helmet in school on those days as we have a limited number of these items available. Helmets are compulsory for all pupils.

First Communion  will take place on Saturday 12th May at 11am.  There will be a talk for all parents of pupils receiving this sacrament on Wednesday 4th October 2017 at 7:30pm in the Halla of the Girls School.

Upgrading of Toilets We are delighted to announce that we have received funding under the ‘Emergency Works Scheme’ for the upgrade of the toilets in the main school building. These works are due to commence on Monday 25th September. The toilets are getting a complete overhaul – new cisterns, sinks, hand dryers, insulation, solar panels and flooring, and the ceiling is being raised. The toilets will obviously be out of bounds during the work, and because of this the pupils will have access to the toilets in the Halla Building, the staff toilets, as well as extra temporary toilets until the work is complete. We are very excited that this long-overdue and much need improvement is finally going ahead.

Book Fair The School Book Fair will take place from 11th-18th October. More details will follow nearer the time.

Corridors in the Morning Sixty seven pupils enter the main door of the school each morning and forty eight enter the halla building. We are trying to promote independence and responsibility amongst our pupils from an early age and there is an expectation that pupils can carry and hang up their own bags. Teachers are on hand to help if a pupil needs assistance. We would ask parents to avoid coming into the school corridors in the morning if possible in an effort to avoid further unnecessary congestion. Please write a note to your child’s class teacher if you need to pass on information. Please make an appointment to meet with the class teacher if you have a concern and would like to discuss your daughter’s progress, or if you need to pass on an important message. All teachers are more than happy to meet with you after or before school outside teaching time. Teachers play an important supervisory role and this is jeopardised if a teacher is required to communicate with multiple parents. We would greatly appreciate your understanding and co operation.